Welcome to the team of F&P Stock Solution – Joycelyn Krause
by fnp
We welcome our new team member in Content Management at F&P Stock Solution GmbH!
The tasks of a Content Manager are quite diverse. It ranges from the creation of new online content and its implementation, to the support of existing platforms and finally their constant optimization. She, or rather in the case of F&P, “Joy” takes care of the creation of content, but above all plans and manages the image, text and multimedia content that should appeare on the website and keeps it up to date. In case of F&P Stock Solution, this means dealing with topics such as wholesale clothing, wholesale shoes, wholesale overstock, overstock clearance, fashion outlet events (designer outlet, Fashion Flash) and everything that has to do with fashion. The main focus is on brand name wholesale. F&P is one of the world’s leading suppliers (wholesale clothing, wholesale shoes) in the topics of overstocks and leftover sale. Due to our wide network of suppliers and customers, we can rely on a large number of brand manufacturers, retailers and online platforms in the B2B leftover market . The domestic and foreign customers of F&P appreciate the discretion, reliability and professionalism with which we work. Some traits which are sometimes hard to find in the overstock market, as our two CEO’s Julius Göllner and Ole Schneikart learned in their past professional history.
F&P offers individual solutions for both, buyers and vendors of overstocks, such as clarifying questions such as:
- Where can I buy returned goods and overstocks?
- How do I get to brand name returns and overstocks?
- What do I do with my liquidations, overstock shoes and/or overstock clothing?
- How can I protect my brand, despite the sale of my overstocks and returns?
- How can I quickly get rid of my customer returns, liquidation goods or overstocks?
For all questions F&P Stock Solution is finding fast answers. In the password protected online B2B-Shop of F&P, overstock buyers can find a good overview of our currently available goods. Of course with all the resprective restictions. Again, the Content Managers of F&P, such as Joy, are busy maintaining the page. They create product descriptions for the goods in the warehouse, maintain photos of textile (remnants: women’s clothing, designer clothing, children’s clothing and many more), shoes (remnants: cheap name brand shoes, women’s shoes, sneakers, etc.) and pay attention to up-to-dateness and quality.
A few facts about Joy!
Joy, our new back up in Content Management, is 22 years old, a “real Berlin ladie” and has been working at F&P since the beginning of August.
“I’m Joy, 22, born in Berlin and recently finished my apprenticeship as an Industrial Clerk this summer. I had the dream of becoming a Fashion Designer when I was young, but after having graduated from high school, I discarded it. But fashion, beauty and social media have always been a huge passion of mine, so I am super happy to be able to turn my hobby into a career. At F&P Stock Solution I have the ideal conditions for this, I am encouraged individually and from the start I was able to contribute a lot myself. Working as a Content Manager is never boring here. Every day there are new tasks and challenges to master. The mix at F&P from wholesale and overstock for textiles and shoes of great designer brands is perfect for fashionistas like me. I have daily contact with well-known brands, write detailed product descriptions and can directly look in the warehouse at the brands goods that I want to visualize potential customers in the online shop for remaining stock directly. This way, I not only get to know our brand clearance items in detail, but also the quality behind the products.
The team at F&P supported and welcomed me from the beginning. I am looking forward to the upcoming time!”
The entire F&P team, especially Julius and Ole, wish Joy an exciting and happy time with a lot of great experiences.