Thank you Falkensee – First Charity Fashion Flash was great!
by fnp
On the 14th of april 2018 we made our first Charity Fashion Flash in Falkensee and it was a great success. A big thank you to all visitors and supporters.
Althougt it costs some sweat and tears from our dear team, we managed to built a wonderful event in two days. The F&P Team from our location in Falkensee set up tables, unpacked and set up hundreds of shoes, poured out lots of champagne and orange juice, stand behind the cash desk, inflated balloons and made the customers happy.
“We welcomed more than 1.300 visitors from 11 am to 6 pm! We honestly have to say, this was way more than we expected in the first place. Thank you very much, we are so grateful.“
“We say a BIG thank you to RTC Spedition & Logistik GmbH Berlin, the ASB (Arbeiter Samariter Bund), the TSV Falkensee, the Lions-Club Falkensee, the management team from the Stadthalle Falkensee and the Stadt Falkensee for the great support.“
Furthermore we say “thank you” to the newspapers, which have advertised our event in advance for free (Falkensee Aktuell, Stadtjournal Falkensee, MAZ Märkische Allgemeine, BRAWO Brandenburger Wochenblatt).
In short; we would love to come back to Falkensee with another Fashion Flash Event.